Director: Prof. Pieter Abbeel
Contact InformationWe're happy to coordinate tours of the robotics lab for educational groups.To arrange a visit, contact: rll_outreach AT lists DOT berkeley DOT edu. Thanks for your interest! DirectionsThe Robot Learning Lab is located on the west side of campus in the building Berkeley Way West (8th floor). The address is 2121 Berkeley Way, Berkeley. See map here.MiscIf your group includes high school students who'd like hands-on experience with robots, check out PiE! |
Some Recent Visitors

2022/05/31: K-12 students from BASIS Independent Fremont visit the Robot Learning Lab and learn about robots

2019/07/19: Korean high school students with Chonbuk National University learn about RLL

2019/07/17: Chinese students learn about the Robot Learning Lab through a Custom Program with UC Berkeley Extension

2019/07/17: Chinese students learn about the Robot Learning Lab through a Custom Program with UC Berkeley Extension

2019/07/15: Students with Berkeley's Girls In Engineering program come out to see BRETT

2019/07/08: Students from Berkeley's Girls In Engineering visit BRETT

2019/06/27: High school students from around the world with Program IGNITE learn about the Robot Learning Lab and watch a demonstration from BRETT.

2019/06/24: Students from Berkeley's Girls In Engineering program visit the Robot Learning Lab to see BRETT.

2019/06/17: Students from Berkeley's Girls In Engineering program visit the Robot Learning Lab for a meet-and-greet with BRETT.

2019/04/11: Local 4th grade students visit the Robot Learning Lab for a demo and presentation with the PR2.

2019/01/30: High school students from China visit the Robot Learning Lab for a demo and presentation with the PR2.

2018/12/03: Local students from Bridges Academy visit the Robot Learning Lab for a demo and presentation with the PR2.

2018/11/19: Local GATE program students visit the Robot Learning Lab for a demo and presentation with the PR2.

2018/10/19: New transfer students to Berkeley visit the Robot Learning Lab for a demo and presentation with the PR2.

2018/10/11: Professionals from Samsung visit the Robot Learning Lab for a demo and presentation with the PR2.

2018/08/22: A group of students from Jianghan University visit the Robot Learning Lab for a demo and presentation with the PR2.

2018/08/09: New Berkeley freshmen from the CS Kickstart program visit the Robot Learning Lab for a demo and presentation with the PR2.

2018/08/02: Students visiting from China check out the Robot Learning Lab for a demo and presentation.

2018/07/23: Students visiting from China check out the Robot Learning Lab for a demo and presentation.

2018/07/16: Students from Berkeley's Girls In Engineering program visit the Robot Learning Lab for a meet-and-greet with BRETT.

2018/07/16: Students visiting from China check out the Robot Learning Lab for a demo and presentation.

2018/07/09: Students from Berkeley's Girls In Engineering program visit the Robot Learning Lab for a meet-and-greet with BRETT.

2018/06/28: Students on robotics teams from local high schools visit the Robot Learning Lab for a demo.

2018/06/25: Students from Berkeley's Girls In Engineering program visit the Robot Learning Lab for a meet-and-greet with BRETT.

2018/06/18: Students from Berkeley's Girls In Engineering program visit the Robot Learning Lab for a meet-and-greet with BRETT

2017/12/01: Students from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands see a PR2 demo and hear about the lab's research directions

2017/08/08: Students from Berkeley's CS Kickstart program visit the PR2

2017/07/17: Middle school students from Berkeley's Girls In Engineering program visit the PR2 (4/4)

2017/07/10: Middle school students from Berkeley's Girls In Engineering program visit the PR2 (3/4)

2017/06/26: Middle school students from Berkeley's Girls In Engineering program visit the PR2 (2/4)

2017/06/19: Middle school students from Berkeley's Girls In Engineering program visit the PR2 (1/4)

2017/04/22: The PR2 gives out hugs and high fives as a part of Cal Day

2017/02/10: Sound technicians from Skywalker Sound record soundbites from the PR2

2017/02/08: Executives from the amusement park The Efteling come to hang out with the PR2

2016/11/14: Local high school students stop by as part of the SWE Mini-University event

2016/11/11: Local high school students participating in the Berkeley ANova hack-a-thon visit the lab

2016/08/15: Students in Berkeley's CS Kickstart program visit the PR2
2016/07/18: Middle school students in Berkeley's Girls In Engineering program visit the PR2
2016/07/11: Middle school students in Berkeley's Girls In Engineering program visit the PR2

2016/06/20: Middle school students in Berkeley's Girls In Engineering program hug the PR2

2016/04/15: New engineering admits lead by UC Berkeley SWE visit the PR2.

2016/04/08: High school students from FTC team 9784 visit the PR2.

2016/03/21: Middle school students from FLL team hug the PR2.

2015/11/05: Middle school students from Berkeley visit the PR2. Here is a fantastic video highlighting their experience.

2015/07/22: Students from the program Girls Who Code visit the PR2.

2015/07/21: Japanese high school students in the Future Global Leadership Program visit the PR2.
2015/06/16: Students from Revealing Individual Strengths for Excellence (RISE) program visit the PR2.

2014/07/24: Rising senior high school students from the Summer Math and Science Honors Academy (SMASH) watch the PR2 fold a towel.

2013/07/31: Visitors from CITRIS' outreach program.

2013/07/24: Student visitors from ATDP Explorations in Robotics class.

2013/04/12: New engineering admits led by UC Berkeley SWE!

2013/04/12: Visitors from Spread the Word UCB!

2012/05/21: CITRIS tour for young robotics enthusiasts!

2012/02/04: "Insane Brains" FIRST Lego Robotics team!