Chelsea Finn, Xin Yu Tan, Yan Duan, Trevor Darrell, Sergey Levine, Pieter Abbeel. Deep Spatial Autoencoders for Visuomotor Learning.
Preprint: [PDF] [arXiv]

Sergey Levine*, Chelsea Finn*, Trevor Darrell, Pieter Abbeel. End-to-End Training of Deep Visuomotor Policies. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2015 Late Breaking Results Session, Thursday May 28, 2015, Seattle WA.
Preprint: [PDF] [arXiv]

Sergey Levine, Nolan Wagener, Pieter Abbeel. Learning Contact-Rich Manipulation Skills with Guided Policy Search. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2015, Wednesday May 27, 2015, Seattle WA.
Best Robotic Manipulation Paper Award.
Preprint: [PDF] [website]