General Info
Please read instructions below before contacting us. Lab Director Prof. Pieter Abbeel's contact info is available here.
Prospective Students and Visitors
Berkeley students
Graduate students:
Please take a look at some of our publications. From there,
contact Lab Director Prof. Pieter Abbeel.
Undergraduate students: Please email Lab Director Prof. Pieter Abbeel your resume, your (unofficial) transcript, and 2 paragraphs on why you want to get involved. As a general guideline: while there are no hard specs, your chances of being able to get involved are higher the more of the following hold true: You have contributed to a substantial project in the past (e.g., prior work experience, or perhaps some large personal projects); You have a GPA of 3.9 or higher; You have done particularly well in some particularly hard classes; You are able to commit 15+ hours/week; You are available full-time over summer; You have a strong background in computer science (and ideally also a good amount of math).
Outside students
If you want to become a Ph.D. student in my group, you should apply through the EECS Ph.D. admissions process: EECS graduate admissions. Please make sure to apply to CS, and within CS to AI. I very much look forward to hearing from you __after__ you have been admitted. Best of luck with your applications!
Prospective Industry Collaborators
We have many forms of industry collaborations, ranging from collaborations with Berkeley AI Research lab affiliates, collaborations with Berkeley Deep Drive affiliates, collaborations directly through the Robot Learning Lab, consulting and advisory roles.
Please contact Lab Director Prof. Pieter Abbeel for more info.
For general press inquiries, please contact Lab Director Prof. Pieter Abbeel.
For press inquiries on specific projects, please contact the first author and Lab Director Prof. Pieter Abbeel.